Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Vent and my day!

Just so we are clear Hannah is a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so tired of everyone telling me what a cute little boy I have. We went to the library tonight and one of the children's librarian's was shelving book and said "you are getting to be a big guy." I wanted to scream SHE IS A GIRL!!! But I didn't! She was dressed in her princess shirt and pink shoes! You would think people would notice she is dressed in pink or girlie most of the time, but that doesn't seem to matter! I'm just hoping she gets more hair soon so we can make pig tails! O.K. vent over!

On to my day, the second day of preschool:
Morning class: Well I had a little boy have a poopy accident! Oh yay! The one very big downside to my job is cleaning more poop!!! Hopefully, it won't happen to often!!!! But I have a feeling I am going to see a lot of poop this year!
Afternoon class: I have a new student! He is a cutie, he has cerebral palsy and uses a walker. Luckily, he is bright! I was shocked when I noticed he was only 3 because he was speaking in full sentences and very articulate.

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