Saturday, September 01, 2007

Hannah's First Football Game

We took Hannah to her first football game on Friday night. It was Highland vs. Owen Vally. Highland won 42-0! Our real reason for going was to see the band preform the State Fair winning show. The show is based on Highland Cathedral, which was one of my favorite piper songs. Hannah did pretty well. She loved seeing the band, she stood and clapped when they played "Scotland the Brave." Mommy and Daddy are so proud! I do have to admit, I think her favorite thing was getting popcorn! After the band performed at half-time, Mr. Flecther, the band director, presented Mr. Finger, the principal (and our old band director) with the trophies from this year's marching season.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I do beleive I am on the verge of tears on this one. How I miss those days sometimes. Other times, when it is really hot outside (100 or so) I think - oh thank goodness for no band camp right now! I seriously miss the closeness of the marching season.