Sunday, February 25, 2007

February Update

Hannah is 21 months old today! She asked Daddy for some chocolate today at lunch. Some days I am amazed at the words she knows. I don't even know where she has learned some of them.

I managed to fall last night and bust up my knee. Same knee I fell on when I was pregnant with Hannah. It swelled a little last night, we iced it right away. It looks better today. The swelling is gone, but it hurts so bad. I am surprised it is not totally bruised. Ben thinks I bruised the bone. Luckily I didn't break anything. We were debating on going to the ER, but decided that we would wait to see how it was today, and it is better.

I found out Friday that we have to go to school until May 29th now because of make-up days. We were going to get out on May 24th. I am hoping we don't miss anymore school! This winter has been crazy! In the 60's in December and then freezing and yucky in February!

Ben is getting ready for a video shoot this week. His boss hurt his back and hasn't been there, so Ben has ended up sort of in charge. He is nervous that his boss won't be back in time for the shoot, and he doesn't want to be in charge since he has never done this before.

Mom is coming March 6th. She is coming to stay with Hannah while Pam goes to visit Baby Bentley. Baby Bentley is due to make his appearance around March 15th. We are excited about being Aunt Janell and Uncle Ben.

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