Tuesday, June 17, 2008

34 week appointment

Just an update on baby and mommy: Baby is doing well..heart rate was in the 150's and he is measuring 1 week ahead now. Mommy gained 3 lbs. and her blood pressure was good! My next appointment is on July 1 and we will schedule an ultrasound to check baby's size and position. Mommy is feeling so-so most days. My feet are swelling. Baby is keeping her from sleeping very well....I know, I know preparing me for newborn days again. I'm sure Ben is ready to have his "normal" wife back, instead of the crazy one he is living with these days. The one who cries at the drop of a hat about the dumbest things! I know it, but I can't help it! It's those darn hormones!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Keep your chin up - your in the home stretch! :) And hey - you have life inside of you - your allowed to cry! :)