Sunday, February 24, 2008


That is the only thing I can say for myself! I think about every other night, gee I should update the blog, but then I don't. So without further update!

My last doctors appointment was Feb. 11. Everything with the baby looked good. I am measuring about 2 weeks ahead (I did with Hannah too). Baby's heart rate was in the 140's. They sent me for a blood draw for the quad marker test (it checks for Down's Syndrome, neural tube defects, and other chromosomal abnormalities). I had to be stuck twice! Yuck! But luckily, the test came back negative. So that is good news! So far we seem to be on track for a healthy baby. We have our "big" ultrasound on March 5. We are hoping baby is NOT shy and lets us know what gender it is. Hannah is now saying she wants a baby boy. Of course, her opinion seems to keep flip-flopping! :)

In other news we have started TRYING to potty train Hannah. So far, it not going well! She has peed on the potty twice, but usually wants nothing to do with it. She hates peeing in her pants if she is wearing panties, but would rather wear a pull-up. Last night when I asked if she wanted to sit on the potty she said no, and ran into her room and slammed the door behind her. I followed her and let her play for a few minutes before I asked again. Reluctantly, she asked if I would bring the potty to her. I thought, hey if it gets her to sit on why not! She sat for probably 20 minutes playing with her Lego's the whole time and never did anything! I will accept any advice for you mom's who have been there, done that!

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