Saturday, September 27, 2008

Playing with Daddy's Trucks

Mimi and Pawpaw brought over some of Daddy's old toys. Hannah couldn't wait to get her hands on them! I giggled when I saw this! She got her dollhouse dolls and took them for a ride!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Daisy in the pool

We emptied Hannah's pool after the big storm a few weeks ago. Daisy thought it looked like a good place to sun herself!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yummy Birthday Dinner!

Ben and I had dinner at Weber Grill in downtown Indianapolis for his birthday. This is someplace he has wanted to eat for over a year, so we finally went. We had a lovely time! The food was delicious and a wonderful atmosphere! We had the BBQ Shrimp for an appetizer. It was presented so beautifully, that I wanted to take a picture of it, but Ben said NO!!! But they were YUMMY!!!!! We both had steaks for dinner and since we were celebrating Ben's birthday, they brought out a HUGE piece of chocolate cake! It was also good, but so big we could not finish it! I would highly recommend it! I would love to go for lunch sometime and have something other than steak! The lady at the table next to us had a shrimp meal that looked wonderful! I had to make myself not stare and drool over it! Ha!

Hair Bows

Hannah is finally starting to allow me to put hair bows in....sometimes! She wore them all day Thursday and then part of Saturday too!

Sweet Siblings!

Awww....aren't they sweet!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tree update!

The tree is gone! We had a tree service come and cut it up! It took them about 20 minutes! Our yard looks weird with no tree! We have a lot more light coming in, but NO privacy in the front anymore! I'm just hoping Ben doesn't fall in the big hole when he is mowing! Luckily, not much damage! The power company FINALLY came at 10:00 PM last night. We need a few shingles on the roof of the garage replace and then the power company will come back and move the lines back up where they belong! Luckily, the lines that are hanging low are the cable and phone, so we aren't in any danger!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Silly Girl!

Silly girl getting her hair washed tonight!

It's ALWAYS Something!!!

Just when we think everything is going well, something has to happen! Well today, thanks to the horrible winds leftover from Ike blowing this way, our tree in the front yard blew over! Luckily, we don't have too much damage! (So far, we'll know for sure after they move the tree!) We had just backed up mom's car or it would have landed right across the hood! It did break the mirror and put a couple of scratches, but other than that everything is ok! We called the power company, because the tree is resting on the power lines, but we haven't seen them yet!

Owen's Chair

Owen is trying out his chair! He loves to sit up! After being fussy all morning, I decided to give the chair a try! He seemed to enjoy it! He spent about 30 minutes just looking around!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

David's 50th Birthday Party

We went to David Lester's 50th Birthday party! We had a good time! Hannah loves playing with Jacob and Krystal!

Here is the cake! Alisha made it! She did a great job! It was really good!
Hannah and Jacob

Elan (Adrian's little boy)
Baseball time!

Krystal and Elan go for a ride!

Great Grandma and Amanda
Matt, Ben and Owen

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Owen's Two Month Pictures

Daddy took Owen's two month pictures while I took Hannah to her dance class! Here are the results! I think they turned out well and Owen was being a smiley boy!

Hating Tummy Time!

Here is Owen hating having to do tummy time! He is not a big fan at all, but he still does a little each day!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cute boy!

Owen is Two Months Old!

Owen is two months old today. He went to see Dr. Beahm for his checkup today. He weighs 12 lb. 2 oz. and is 23 3/4 inches. He got 3 shots today. He cried during the shots, but quickly got over it! He is getting more hair on the top of his head and is smiling more everyday! He loves his swing and frequently naps there! He is NOT sleeping through the night, but he seems to be sleeping for longer stretches at night! We are hoping it is soon!

Notice the bandaids on his legs! Poor baby!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Our family picture

Pam took this picture of our family and I thought it turned out good!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

We had a cookout at Aunt Barb and Uncle Steve's house yesterday! Hannah had a great time running around with her cousins and was quite worn out by the end of the day! We had a great time meeting Jonathan. He is Jessica (Ben's cousin) and Mike's baby. He was born the day after Owen, but is A LOT bigger than Owen.

Have a Happy Labor Day!

Here I am with Owen on the left and Jonathan on the right.

Here is a picture of Jessica and Jonathan with Owen and I.