Sunday, June 29, 2008

Just for Comparison!

Top Picture- 28 weeks, Bottom Picture- 36 Weeks....What a difference 8 weeks makes!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Swimming TIme

Hannah enjoyed swimming in the pool! Spot stayed far, far away because he was afraid he would get wet!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kids say the Darnest Things....

So Hannah and I are outside and I am pushing her on the swing, when all of a sudden she looks at me and says, "Mommy, is the baby going to drink milk out of your booby?" I said, "maybe." I was quite shocked and trying to think about where she would have come up with that!!! The only thing I can think of is the pictures of her when she was born. We have ONE picture from the first time I tried to nurse her, but we haven't looked at those pictures in over a month! I guess she does take it all in!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Little Singer

Hannah is so cute at times. Today she went down for her nap and asked if she could have some books to look at. So I gave her 3 books. A few minutes later I hear her singing "Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O." It was really sweet to hear her singing!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Silly Girl!

Silly girl is sitting in the dogs water dish!

Sprinkler Fun!

Hannah enjoyed playing in the sprinkler! I love the pictures of her trying to get a drink!

34 week appointment

Just an update on baby and mommy: Baby is doing well..heart rate was in the 150's and he is measuring 1 week ahead now. Mommy gained 3 lbs. and her blood pressure was good! My next appointment is on July 1 and we will schedule an ultrasound to check baby's size and position. Mommy is feeling so-so most days. My feet are swelling. Baby is keeping her from sleeping very well....I know, I know preparing me for newborn days again. I'm sure Ben is ready to have his "normal" wife back, instead of the crazy one he is living with these days. The one who cries at the drop of a hat about the dumbest things! I know it, but I can't help it! It's those darn hormones!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hannah in her Tent

Hannah having fun playing in her tent! She likes to go "camping." A few times she has slept in her tent...but she usually still ends up in her bed!

Monday, June 02, 2008

32 week appointment

Just an update: my blood pressure was good, I gained 4 lbs. (Yikes!!!) and I am measuring 3 weeks ahead. Right now everything looks good to have a natural labor....however, baby is laying kinda diagonal, so we are hoping he will turn head down on his own.