Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas with the Smith Family

We went to Ben's Aunt and Uncle's house for the Smith Family Christmas. Hannah enjoyed playing Pool. She rolled the balls across the table. She really did pretty well, she usually got 3-5 balls in the pockets.

Tracy's (Ben's cousin) baby Porter.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Baby's Second Picture

I had an ultrasound this morning. It is what they call and Early Ultrasound, it is to date the pregnancy, and take measurements of the baby. Ben and I also got to hear the heartbeat!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

We were at home on Christmas day. Nana and Papa where there to share the day with us. Hannah had the paper flying about as fast as she could! She loved Christmas this year!

Our Tree
What did Santa bring?
A yellow Care Bear (just what she asked for!)
A dollhouse
And a train set.

Checking out the stocking

A scarf that Nana made!
A Care Bear movie

Babies that cry, wet and wiggle....hoping to get her ready for the new baby!
A Regal Beagle
A Not-So-Regal Beagle....
A Thomas train set from Nana and Papa
A Precious Moments Ariel

Mommy's new purse
Nana's new sweatshirt
A necklace and earring from New Mexico
Mommy's 2007 Precious Moment figure
Daddy got Spiderman 3 and socks
A 2008 Calendar for Nana and Papa
Duck Slippers...Spot is not too sure what to think...tasty?

Hannah's Ruby Slippers
Daddy finally got an Ove glove
Gold colored Crocs
A Star Wars Book for Daddy that Hannah picked out for him.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Putting out the Reindeer Food

Hannah and Mommy are putting out the Magic Reindeer Food. Mommy makes it with her kids in Preschool. It's really just glitter and oats! Shhh...don't tell Hannah, but Spot thought it was pretty tasty!

Christmas Eve at Gigi's House

We went to Gigi's (my grandma) house on Christmas Eve day. Hannah got a little red dog that "barks," which she thinks is hilarious. Hannah of course wanted to help everyone unwrap their presents.

I think this is a great picture of grandma.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas with the Harnish and Cummins Family

We had Christmas with my cousin and her family and my Aunt and Uncle on the 23rd. Hannah loves seeing "Emmy" (Emily) and Mollie and requests to go back to see them quite often.